The special costume sync pair Diantha and Keldeo move in Pokémon Masters EX

The special costume sync pair Diantha and Keldeo move in Pokémon Masters EX

As part of the upcoming Poke 'War event, DeNa is adding four new sync pairs to the game. The new event will allow players to choose one of the two available factions and participate in a costume battle. This guide will focus on the Diantha and Keldeo Sync duo and how it stacks up against the others.

Diantha and Keldeo moveset

Diantha and Keldeo are endowed with three passive abilities, which are mentioned below:

  • Leech of Armor 9: Each time the user lands a successful move, they reduce the target's Defense by one rank and increase their Defense by the same amount.
  • Mind leech 9: Whenever the user lands a successful move, he reduces the target's Sp. DEF by one degree and increases your Sp. Def by the same value.
  • Fast Leech 9: Each time the user lands a successful move, they reduce the target's speed by one degree and increase their speed by the same amount.

The moves of Diantha and Keldeo are as follows:

  • Secret Sword (4 gauge move): Deals damage between 160-192 based on the target's Defense value.
  • Movement bar upgrade (2 uses): Restores the user's movement bar by three bars.
  • Aura sphere (2 gauge move): Deals damage between 45-54. Plus, the move is guaranteed to land regardless of any obstruction.
  • Hit true! (1 use): Increase the user's SP. Attack of four and Critical Hit Rate of three degrees. In addition, it activates a buff that gradually heals the user.
  • Shining Valor Fighting Beam (Synchronization): Deals damage between 200-240 based on the target's Defense value.

Should you roll for Diantha and Keldeo?

Diantha and Keldeo is a Fighting-type sync pair that depends on reducing the target's stats to deal damage. It is a self-contained unit that does not need any other sync pairs to set it up. It also deals a lot of damage that becomes more devastating as the game progresses. That said, there are far better DPS units available in the game that deal more damage and are easier to use. In the end, it all comes down to playing style and personal preference.

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