The special costume sync pair Guzma and Buzzwole move in Pokémon Masters EX

The special costume sync pair Guzma and Buzzwole move in Pokémon Masters EX

The Guzma and Buzzwole unit is one of four new sync pairs coming to Pokémon Masters EX. The Alolan pair are the featured sync pair for the upcoming Poké War event and possess Fighting-type attributes. Here is a complete breakdown of the sync pair and all of its moves.

Moves by Guzma and Buzzwole

Guzma and Buzzwole Sync Pair has three passive abilities, which are mentioned below:

  • Victory Charge 2: After knocking out an opponent, fills the movement gauge by two bars.
  • Super synchronizer: Activate the Super Effective + buff when using the sync move.
  • Tenacity 3: Increases the user's psychic move damage by three ranks when an attack move is missing.

Guzma and Buzzwole's moves are as follows:

  • Dynamic Punch (4 gauge move): Deals damage between 198-237 and leaves the target confused.
  • X Sure hit (2 uses): It ensures that the next move is successful.
  • Hammer Arm (3 gauge movement): Deals damage between 128-148 and reduces user speed by one degree.
  • Show no mercy! (1 use): Increases the user's attack by six and the critical hit rate by three degrees. However, it reduces Defense and Sp. Def by one rank
  • Beatdown Boss Combat Impact (Sync Move): Deals damage between 250-300.

Should you roll for Guzma and Buzzwole?

Guzma and Buzzwole Sync Pair has a quirky playing style that doesn't suit all players. It relies on missing attacks to create damage over time and then inflict a massive explosion in one go. However, this is a risky and difficult style of play to perform. Additionally, the unit is essentially a glass cannon and lacks defensive stats. Bottom line, it's not worth going for the sync pair as there are simply better choices available.

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