The complete solution of Escape From Monkey Island

Please note:

The solution is based on the American version of the game, so it is possible to find differences for the Spanish version.


Back in action! This fantastic new adventure begins on the ship that took us on our honeymoon together with the most charming governor of the Caribbean, our beloved Elaine.
First we kick the brazier and send the red-hot coal to the loaded gun fuse. Let's sink the enemies !!


Arriving at Melee Island we realize that someone wants to tear down our house, then we talk to the crazy rock thrower and we discover that he uses the cactus as a viewfinder, and then we go to the city center. Here we meet our old friends Carla and Otis; talking to them we discover that an Australian entrepreneur wants to buy the whole island. We try to enlist them in our crew by offering a prestigious job. With that done we go to the Scumm Bar. We take a look around and then challenge the darts throwers to hit the old drunkard's balloon (so we can steal the Kudu meat donuts). Exit the bar and head towards the port (you have to go to the fountain and then use the map). Grab the air hole and return to the governor's house. Use the inner tube with the cactus-scope and go to the crazy rock thrower and give him the donuts. Now play with the catapult controls and ... that's it!
After the introduction of the "future" governor of Melee Island, Elaine kindly asks you (practically orders you) to go to Lucre Island to settle the situation with the family lawyers, then enter the mansion and take the government contract and ask your loved one. the government symbol (essential to confirm your authority) finally make her sign the contract. Attention, remember to also take the "government act of rest" which is located in the desk to the left of the family banner. Get this signed too. Now we can go to the port to demand a ship from the fat old woman (the captain).
The fat woman promptly informs you that you must have a government office to get the ship and then you show her the government symbol; finally the pink "Old Lady" will be yours. Now you just have to enlist the crew by delivering the rest contract to Carla and Otis and beat Mr. Formaggio (the owner of the Scumm Bar) to arm wrestling with insults.

Here are the sentences if they can be useful to you:

Dom: I beat some octopuses with these arms
Ans: I'm sure all spineless creatures fear you

Dom: I'll put your arm around your neck
Answer Why are you studying as a nurse?

Dom: Give up or I'll crush you like a grape
Answer Mom should peel you off first

Dom: I have muscles in places you haven't even heard of
Resp. Too bad none of these are on the arms

Reply I'm shocked, ever look at your wife?

Dom: Only once did I see such a coward
Reply He must have taught you what you know

Dom: My ninety-four year old grandmother has the strongest grip
Ans Yes, but we both have better bladder control than you

Dom: Your arms are smaller than those of some fleas I've known
Answer I need a vet

Dom: Ungh ... My forearms have been mistaken for tree trunks
Ans An exfoliating cream should solve the problem

Dom: Aaargh ... Look over there!
Answer Yes I know, a three-headed monkey!

Dom: People consider my fists to be lethal weapons
Reply Ungh ... Your breath should be too

Dom: Today alone I destroyed twelve people
Ris: From the belly it seems that you have eaten them

Dom: My amazing strength will tear you to pieces
Ris: I'm surprised you can count to that much

Dom: I see a tremor of agony dancing on your lips
Ris: I laugh, it will be your goofy grip!

Dom: I'll turn your knuckles to mush
Ris: Um, it seemed to me that the bean soup tasted bad

And now it's off to Lucre Island!

Arrived, you immediately discover what is the weak point of one of the two chess players; this is Brittany the bank teller, and then go to the legal department. Now explain the situation of the demolition of your house to three lawyers and then take the letter from Elaine's grandfather's will and read it. go immediately to the bank and ask the cashier for the goods kept in the safe but, twist, you are robbed by none other than YOURSELF (don't worry it's a guy wearing a mask that represents you) .After the theft you will find yourself locked in the vault. To exit you have to take the three sponges, the stinking handkerchief, the sword, the music box and finally the grog. Use the sword to break the LOWER hinge and then insert it back into the crack you just created. Insert the three sponges in the gap and sprinkle it all with the grog .... All this effort to find yourself in prison with a voodoo anklet attached to her foot.
After the chat with Inspector Canard, you will know that to free yourself you have to find the real thief and bring him back to justice ... a certain Pietro Nasodilegno.

The complete solution of Escape From Monkey Island

First take the chicken fat (it is under the iron virgin). Exit the Palace of Justice and head towards the House of Batons, here talk to Freddie and find out that Pietro Nasodilegno lives in the swamp. Before exiting, pick up the wood chips on the ground on the right. Go to the fountain and talk to Brittany and tell her that she has a suitor (remember Castaneda the chess player). At the bottom of the square we find the perfume promoter and to his left take an empty bottle from the pile.
Speaking with Hugo you will discover that Pietro has passed this way with the stolen goods on his way to the forest. Before you leave him, take the bottle of cologne from his cart. Now go to the live bait shop, but before you go in, catch the poor duck hanging around in front of the shop. Take the free (putrid) bait and then talk to the old sea dog to find out more about Peter.
Now you have to create a new perfume using the empty bottle with the free lures. But it is not enough to run to the fountain and fill it with water. You just got the homemade perfume! Ok at this point go to the bank and talk to the manager. Then approach the trap door and, being careful that Inspector Canard does not see you, use the stump of the sword to open the trap door; Examine the manhole by making a note of the names that appear (they are different each time). Well now get the free prosthesis from the shop of Dave Occhiomorto (Prosthesis Palace to the left of the manhole). Talk to him about Pietro and after a lot of chatter tell him that you are looking for gifts for your pirate friends, then choose the names in the opposite order to those you found on the manhole (ex: Wendy, Ned, Larry becomes Larry, Ned, Wendy ) and then the free prosthesis will be yours (fake leather). Finally, get Dave to smell the handkerchief.
Ok, go out and leave the city following the cobbled street near the legal office and go to the hidden house to talk to Ozzie Mandrill and challenge him to an insulting duel that you won't be able to win. Outside the house take the flower that is near the fountain and go to the swamp of time. Now use the homemade perfume with the puddle. Return to Lucre Island to have a chat with the chess players. You have to take the watch and the only way is to make them angry with each other; distracted it will be a child's play to get hold of them (ask questions about eating one and about Brittany the other, when they are busy making their respective moves). Now combine the homemade perfume, the flower, the shavings and sprinkle this "awesome" essence on Deadeye Dave. He will tell you that one of his clients stinks like this, as it happens the latter often requires nasal implants ... take note of the name he will tell you and mark the initials (they always change). Attention to get the address of your enemy you must know the initials of the fake and then use the device using this key:

From a to d = Rabbit
From e to h = Palma
From i to m = Pumpkin
From n to s = Monkey
From t to z = Bananas

Finally, here is Peter's address. Before we go to the swamp we go to Ozzie's house. Spray the colony of Le Chuck on the platypus and then go to town, specifically, towards the manhole and use the fake leather with the trap door to get a diving board. Use the trampoline and you'll find yourself inside the Bank. Take the Skipperware container and turn on the light by pulling the chain. Go up on the mezzanine and look at the strange shadow that was formed by turning on the light ... you will find a prosthesis of Peter; take it and immediately the inspector will appear and ask you for it as proof. Exit the window and go to the swamp. Change the raft with the clock and use the coordinates to get to Peter and after a couple of coordinates you will arrive in front of a gate. Attention, here you have to be really very careful because you will find yourself in your own presence, that is, you will find yourself in the future.
Write down the numbers it says and the order of the things it gives you ... then open the gate and continue with the coordinates and you will find yourself on the other side of the gate, you have to give the Guybrush of the past the same things and above all in the same order , watch out if not, start over from the beginning of the swamp. After the gate, follow the hours and you will arrive at Peter's house.


North 3:30
East 1:05
East 2:15
East 5:10
South 12:15
South 1:15
South 3:10
South 4:30

To catch that Nasodilegno you have to use the chicken fat on the doormat and then free the duck inside the window. Well done, now you have to find Pietro's Showroom using Ozzie as Judas, in fact thanks to a shrewd deception you will be able to follow the old man to the secret cave, but let's move on to the facts: go to Dave Occhiomorto and use the music box and during the few seconds you have available take the prosthesis of the hand (red) in the basket on the left. Go to the bait shop and use your hand on the termites .. now go to the Stick House and use the termites with Ozzie's stick .. now the track made of termites to get to the cave. But first you have to go to Ozzie and tell him that you know where the cave is, he fearing that you have discovered the secret place will go and check. At this point you just have to follow the trail of sawdust made by the termites.
Once inside, press the red button on the desk and then exit to dive into the deep water. Here it will get dark so use Skipperware with the bait along with the bright fish and voila, a nice underwater lamp. Enter the secret door on the left next to the coral and grab all your stuff and don't forget the vine. Exit the cave and surface on the right side of the screen. Go to the inspector and return the stolen goods and the vine and you will finally be FREE.

The complete solution of Escape From Monkey Island


After the great cutscene, you find out that ......... he's back, and that you'll have to fight him again. Exit your house and go to Mojo's International House to speak with Lady Voodoo. To call her back from her underworld you have to go in front of her hand, pull her index finger. Talk to the sorceress about the ultimate insult. Now you have to find the fourth gift (something blue) and the link with the other three to create the ultimate insult.
Go to the fountain and then onto the map to go to Double Hook's house. Speaking to him you will know that he himself drew the map for Grandpa Marley who has now reused the cloth and then sold it. Go to the port and pick up the dime (quartino) and use it with the grog dispenser, who will refuse to give you the bottle, then kick him, insult him and take a bottle from the dozen he has spit. Go to your trusty navigator (Mr Cheese) and talk to him. Ask him about the ultimate insult and then use the figurehead earrings and you will find that this Rompip ... she knows something about the insult (practically nothing). Go back to Double Hook's house and take the brush (first you have to talk to him about his works, otherwise it is impossible to steal it from him) which is in the bucket.
Return to the former Scumm Bar which has become Lula Bar and immediately on the left take the chopsticks and then go and sit on the stools on the right (where the boats turn); order something well cooked and you will notice that a fiery boat will arrive .. look at the picture in front of you use the brush with the mechanism that moves the boats (be careful, fit the brush only when the fiery boat is hidden by the right column otherwise it will not be able to position just under the painting) .. now quick in the kitchen to pour the can of grog into the heat generator and after the scene the cook will give you the painting on which the map you need is painted, practically the fourth gift. To find the ultimate insult you have to give all 3 missing gifts to the picture figurehead, pen with chain, necklace (the earrings you have already given her). You are ready to leave for Jambalaya Island!

Once you get there, take a look at the map and you will know what you need to create the new powerful supreme insult. Head up the stairs to Planet Threepwood and have a chat with your old friend Murray. Go inside and talk to the tourist near the Elaine statue and ask for the supreme insult and then the silver monkey head. You will find that right here at Planet Threepwood, they give a complimentary meal in the monkey head cup for special occasions. Go out and take a look at the statue in the center of the square and by talking to the tourist (near the statue) you will understand that one element for making the supreme insult has to do with this statue.
Leave the friend to enter the Bucanieri Cafeteria and talk to the old lady about the golden man and find out that he is a trophy for the diving competition. Before leaving, grab the complimentary sandwich at the bottom of the counter. Now you have to go to Stan who is towards the Casa Pacchiana (up the stairs of the square) talk to him take the flyer and then take the jar of super glue placed on the base of the house. Now the situation requires you to go to the MicroGroggeria. Using the glue with the menacing mechanical hand and asking the bartender to ride him you will be able to earn a free meal in the silver monkey-shaped cup .. now that you have the voucher, go back to the Bucanieri Cafeteria and steal the cup from the tourist's shopping bag. with the brand name of the coffee shop. Return to Planet Threepwood and order by showing your voucher. While you are seated, ask the pirate for a caricature with the cup and once you have the caricature use it with the super glue and then again with the cup with the symbol of the Bucanieri Cafeteria; finally swap the cups. You are finally in possession of the first element to create the ultimate insult.

Use the map to go to the High Rock to talk to Marco De Pollo about the supreme insult and above all how you can challenge him to a diving competition; then pass by the judges who, after a careful examination, will issue you the certificate of suitability for diving. Now thunder at the harbor and take the rowboat near your ship and head to Knuttin Atoll. On the way you will be cannoned by Admiral Casaba, talk to him and then leave him. When you get to the atoll go to the white house (to the right of the screen), talk to the kind teacher and sign up for the school. When answering the questions always choose the worst ones so the donkey hat will be yours.

Here are the sentences if they can be useful to you:

Dom: A stranger offers you a grog
Ris: I accept the grog, I poison his and steal his treasure

Dom: Your captain has plotted a course for the Devil's Triangle
Ris: I organize a mutiny among the crew and decide who I will eat if the mutiny fails.

Dom: A foreigner asks you the time
Ris: I gut the stranger with a dagger, hide the body in an alley and steal his wallet.

Dom: After drinking too much grog, a friend makes fun of your haircut
Ris: I shave his belly with a rusty razor, while I scream 'Spanky, I'll cut your hair here!

Dom: The giant tofu burger you asked for is served medium
Ris: I shave the restaurant to the ground and tie the chef up with his own guts.

Dom: While you are delivering Christmas toys to the orphans, you notice an over-loaded freighter
Res: I unload the guns, raise the Jolly Roger, loot the ship, behead the captain and set everything on fire

Dom: You see a man approaching another with a sword
Ris: Taking advantage of their distraction I impale both men on my trusty sword and steal the treasure from them.

Dom: While you're reading a poetry book you find a map
Ris: I chase and kill everyone who has consulted the book

Return to the diving competition to challenge Marco de Pollo; after your lousy dive go to the judges and ask what you did wrong, one (the hippie judge) will tell you how to improve and then beat the champion. Use these phrases to make the leap.

Whirling Swordsman = right
Turn of the keel = Up
Barrel of Rum = Down
Alpha monkey = Left

But to win is not enough, you have to bribe the grumpy judge by asking him why he gives you such low marks, then look from the inventory the flyer you took from Stan and notice the blonde haired girl and then do this to the judge. and use the juicy morsel with the seal oil that Marco uses.
Put on the donkey hat. Challenge Marco and write down the moves he makes and then do them again. When you have to dive you are careful to press only the right buttons otherwise you will have to redo the challenge. Once you have won, you have to make the playoff and dive first. Put on the donkey hat again and do the three moves again and you will finally be the new champion .. f with the coveted trophy. Now go to the MicroGroggheria and order a Grogghino. Go to the atoll and out of the school let the fire alarm sound, the teacher will go out immediately and you take the opportunity to get in and get the whistle that is in the trunk immediately to the left. Now go to the puppet theater and try to talk to Guybrush puppet; you must first speak with the puppet of Le Chuk and then deepening the speech of Barbarossa you can talk to the puppeteer to whom you will show the blue painting and he, running away, will leave you the two puppets. Grab the puppets and head to the beach to talk to the metabolic problem pirate. Ask him about his father (be careful if you can't find out where he has hidden his father's hat then it means that you haven't asked all the possible questions to the tourist near the statue in the square, so you have to go back there and finish all the questions).
Go to the right, where there are stones and use the whistle you should have called the parrots; now give ONLY ONE of the two the Grogghino and ask questions to recognize which one is telling the truth, you will easily distinguish them because one is sober the other is drunk and therefore staggers. Always ask the sincere parrot where the hat is buried, in my case it was N, E, E, E, E. When you get to the stone use the puppets with the stone and BOOM the admiral will bomb you and you will have completed the supreme insult.

The complete solution of Escape From Monkey Island


After the cutscene you will find yourself on Monkey Island. Read the note on the left, go to the cluttered clearing and grab the coconut and have a few words with old Hermen Toothrot. Since he doesn't remember anything, use brute force and throw the coconut at him. A part of his memory has returned to him but it is not enough. Go to the Canyon and grab the banana picker and return to the beach and use it with the bunch of bananas located at the top left of the screen. You have to use it until the whole helmet falls off.
Now you have to be followed by Timmy, so offer her a banana every time you move and she will follow you go to the Canyon enter the Mine all the way and there open the fan, throw in a banana, close it and finally use another banana with the loophole and the door will open. Go inside and pick up the lawn mower using the banana collector. Exit using the big tube and run to the lava field. Watch the cutscene and then return to the map to continue to the castle under the volcano (Le Chuck Cathedral). Take the shields using the usual banana harvester and talk to Cheerful Father Rasputin, ask about the lava river and then about the dive and when you get on the pink boat try to take the bottle, use the banana harvester.
Now comes the hard part! Go to the Belvedere; you must, using the stones, drop a boulder into the lava field to make the boat change direction. So pick up the first boulder and throw it into the channel on the right, immediately pick up another boulder and when the first touches the root, throw it into the central channel. Collect a third boulder and when the second has touched the second root, throw it into the left channel. Now collect the fourth boulder and when the third touches the third root throw it into the left channel, doing so two boulders will fall into the central tunnel and end up in the lava field.
After this puzzle, head to the church and take the usual boat ride again. Attention you can maneuver the boat using the arrows, head towards the small lake using the deviation created by the boulder. Once you get off, use the lawnmower with the weeds and finally the annoying roots will disappear and the level of the lava in the pond will drop. Cross the bridge and, from the map, go to Monkey Town, the village to the north. Once there, talk to Jojo Junior about his hat, so he will teach you the Monkey Combat (attention from now on you must have a pen and paper at hand, there is some stuff to write). First of all I warn you that this duel made me crazy a lot, first you will have to train and beat two monkeys that you find immediately outside the village, one at a time of course. My advice is challenge the first monkey and write a table like this:


Dangling Baboon - Charging Chimpanzee
Hanging Baboon - Anxious Gorilla
Mutilated Gibbon - Drunk Monkey
Mutilated Gibbon - Dangling Baboon
Anxious Gorilla - Charging Chimpanzee
Anxious Gorilla - Mutilated Gibbon
Drunk Monkey - Anxious Gorilla
Drunk Monkey - Hanging Baboon
Charging Chimpanzee - Mutilated Gibbon
Charging Chimpanzee - Drunk Monkey

Then start memorizing the fighting phrases like the table below.

From Hanging Baboon to Mutilated Gibbon - ACK EEK OOP
From Hanging Baboon to Anxious Gorilla - ACK EEK CHEE
From Hanging Baboon to Charging Chimpanzee - ACK OOP EEK
From Dangling Baboon to Drunk Monkey - ACK CHEE OOP
From Mutilated Gibbon to Hanging Baboon - ACK EEK OOP
From Mutilated Gibbon to Anxious Gorilla - ACK CHEE EEK
From Mutilated Gibbon to Drunk Monkey - EEK ACK OOP
From Mutilated Gibbon to Charging Chimpanzee - OOP ACK EEK
From Drunk Monkey to Dangling Baboon - ACK CHEE OOP
From Drunk Monkey to Mutilated Gibbon - EEK ACK OOP
From Drunk Monkey to Anxious Gorilla - OOP ACK CHEE
From Drunk Monkey to Charging Chimpanzee - OOP CHEE EEK
From Anxious Gorilla to Drunk Monkey - OOP ACK CHEE
From Anxious Gorilla to Charging Chimpanzee - ACK OOP CHEE
From Anxious Gorilla to Mutilated Gibbon - ACK CHEE EEK
From Anxious Gorilla to Dangling Baboon - ACK EEK CHEE
From Chimpanzee to Charge to Hanging Baboon - ACK OOP EEK
From Chimpanzee to Charge to Mutilated Gibbon - OOP ACK EEK
From Chimpanzee to Charge to Drunk Monkey - OOP CHEE EEK
From Chimp to Charge to Anxious Gorilla - ACK OOP CHEE

Try to use my sentences but they don't necessarily work, it seems to me that they change from game to game. It is essential that you understand which animal beats the other eg gm beats up, but also sac beats up (usually I only found two matches per animal) and then run the appropriate figure let's make an example with my data. Fight the shy monkey. You both have up and she starts to figure gm using arcane language OAC (move from up to gm) and says gm knocks up (you) and you get a ball of energy similar to those in Super Street Fighter.
Now to respond to this attack you have to see which animal is beating gm and then make the move eg: type AOC (from up to bp) and you too will throw your ball. Attention most of the time the move is specular ie aoc (from up to bp), but also aoc (from bp to up). Arm yourself with patience and above all made your tables, I used for 1 hour those that a friend of mine gave me and then I discovered that they did not correspond at all! One more thing when the monkey makes a mistake and therefore you throw the ball, repeat the move simply by repeating a line of your choice 3 times eg: EEK, EEK, EEK. If you make a move that doesn't exist you will commit a FOUL which will cause you to lose energy. Finally when you have beaten the two monkeys go to Jojo and beat him, the bronze monkey hat will be yours.
To get Herman's memory back, you need to swap shields for the monkey accordion in the former cannibal village. Once this is done you have to go back to the beach, but after the bridge of the lava lake the road is interrupted so USE the only palm tree to create an artificial bridge. To get your friend's memory back, throw him the bottle of milk and then play the accordion and you will discover that Herman is your Grandfather, more precisely Elaine's grandfather. Talk to him and then get a copy of the government symbol. Finally go to the Giant Monkey Head. This is the part I liked the most, use the bronze hat over the monkey head and then use the monkey nose banana harvester ... enter the secret passage and insert the government symbol with the prominent slot to the left of the helm.


Now that you are at the controls of this beast, direct it to the right and pick up the Really Big Board, use it with the really small tower and finally use the big switch.
After the wonderful video you have to do the last and most important Monkey Combat fight in history, the one against Le Chuck, to be precise against his statue. It is useless to try to win as long as you try to equalize, finally enjoy the final scene.

Video of the solution - First part

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