The complete solution of Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando

The complete solution of Ratchet & Clank 2: Going Commando

- infiltrate the base
Start the game in Aranos prison. Go forward and climb over what looks like a flashing blue button to activate the elevator. Go through the door and destroy the crates on the sides before proceeding - these first enemies you encounter are very easy to beat. Climb the ladder and destroy more crates, go through the door, kill all the enemies you encounter and in the next room you will encounter a new type of flame thrower enemies, very similar to the ones you have already encountered, but with which you have to keep a greater distance. Head to the bridge to encounter some enemy bombs, easy to kill, but sometimes a little annoying. Kill the enemy on the elevator and go up the blue button. After the cutscene, take out the various enemies with the flamethrower and chainsaw, then jump the pipe. At the other end there are many enemies with flamethrowers: attack them while staying at a distance. When you're done, jump across the window to start a cutscene. Go ahead and go down the elevator, enter the door and fight against other robots. At the end of the corridor there is a small room with several other enemies: if you feel in trouble, use a gravity bomb. Continue to the next room, then enter the door on the left. Congratulations, you have just completed your first mission.

- explore the ruins in the swamp
- find the entrance to the depot
- investigate the Megacorps deposit
Go to the ruins and down the path you will encounter some blobs, easy to kill. Crabs, on the other hand, are more difficult to get rid of. When you get to the sea dragons, get on their backs and go to the other side. Jump to the ledge, then enter the tunnel. Fireflies are very easy to kill. To get to the top you have to jump on the plants. There are islands around that you can explore if you want. When you reach the ledge with the crab, kill it and go through the door to find more. Follow the road to the sea dragon and after sliding down the tube, you can buy the Tractor Beam at a good price. Use it right away to line up the barrels to form a ladder to climb the ledge. If you want, you can arrange the barrels first so that you can get to the other side of the ledge. Go up and go to the gate: you are back to the starting area. Now that you have a little more experience, go down the other path and go to the warehouse. When you see fireflies, look to the left. Kill four pterodactyls to get a skill point. Keep going down the path killing the bad guys, and if you get lost use the map, it's very clear. At some point you will reach the boss.
The monster of the swamp
He is a fairly easy boss, you just have to avoid his tentacles and hit him as much as possible. It doesn't matter if you're aiming for the tentacles or the eye, just keep shooting and moving until it's killed. Footboards will appear, jump from one to the other to get closer to the building, where you will find the Dynamo, which you need to activate the green orbs and make the platforms move. Then use it to bring up the elevator, go through the door and use it again. You can acquire a skill point by destroying everything in this storage, including bottles and glass cases. Follow the path until you get to the brownish floor, then use the Dynamo to open the door. Unfortunately some blocks are blocking your way, and you have to jump over them to get to the door in time. After passing it, you receive the coordinates for a new planet.

Before continuing with the missions, you must engage in space combat. Use X for the main weapon, Circle for the missiles, Square for the boost, R1 and L1 to roll left and right. There are two waves of fairly difficult enemies, use R1 and L1 to dodge attacks more easily. Purple fighters are the hardest to take down and also require the use of missiles. After defeating the two waves of enemies, you can head to Maktar.

- find the way to the towers
- destroy the signal transmitters
- get the fighting arena
Go down the ramp and go left. You can get a skill point for destroying almost any object you find in the area. Go ahead until you find a limo. Climb aboard and it will take you to a ledge. Climb the ladder: at the top there are many enemies, kill them all with the Lancer, and if you run out of ammunition use the gravity bomb. Get on the elevator and enter the casino room. Cross it and continue to the arena. Your first fight is to get hold of the Electrolyzer, which allows you to open doors. It takes place over six rounds and is quite easy, beware of the fans and flames on the ground. When you win, the option to fight other matches in the arena will appear. One fight allows you to buy the Chainblade, yet another lets you conquer the B2 Brawler. When you leave the arena, use the Electrolyzer to form a bridge, after which you receive the coordinates for a new planet. Use the Electrolyzer again to return to the starting point and from here take the road that leads to the right. Use the Tractor Beam to open the door. Go right and blast the door with a bomb, pick up the droid and place it in the sling, shooting it over the ledge to open the door. Come to another door, turn left and go get the bomb across the platforms. Bring her back and blow up the door. Once outside, use the bomb and slingshot to hit the four flying saucers. After the door disappears, board the limo and head to the area with the transmitters. The goal here is to expose the cores of the towers with the green light and blow them up. There are six in total. If you can't find them, consult the map, it is always very useful in these cases. Use the trampolines to reach the high cores. After blowing up all six towers, you will receive the coordinates for a new planet.

- save Clank from the thief
- repair Clank
- free Ratchet
- go to Clank's apartment
- Shoot down the enemy ship
Go right. To get through the doors you have to hit the garbage cans. Follow the main path until you see the Thug leader in the helicopter. At the end of the street, turn left, drop down and hit the garbage can. Go through the tunnel and turn left to get on the elevator. Ignore the Thug leader and take out the remaining enemies. Once you get to the top, hit the garbage cans and kill the robots. Go through the door on the right and pick up the ammo. Time to face the boss.
The leader of the Thugs
This battle is quite linear: you just need to pour all the ammunition in your possession on this enemy. It doesn't matter which weapon you choose, just shoot and avoid his attacks.
When he's dead, use the teleporter to find yourself in Clank's apartment, where you need to collect the Swingshot and Grindboots. Use the Swingshot to reach the blue sphere, forming a bridge, then use the teleporter. From your ship, go left and use the Electrolyzer to get to the control room. Use the crane to move the crate over the ledge: you can earn 10 skill points by killing 10 robots with the crate. Then continue down and turn left. Use the Electrolyzer again to gain access to the crane. Grab the orange chest from the next room and place it in front of the control room door. Use the shadow to line up the crate. Take the green striped chest from the third to the second room. leave the control room and look for the door above in the second room. Move the green striped crate under the door to reach it, then push the orange crate on top to get a Platinum bolt. Use the crane again to bring back the striped crate see under the ledge in the third room and continue. Go up the elevator and use the Electrolyzer to free Clank. Now that you have control of Clank, use his helicopter device to glide down. Don't cross the bridge, though. Turn the curve and free the little robots. Free the bridge robot and order it to create a bridge. Then find the robot-elevator and have it lift the block in front of the passage. Keep going until you see a doghouse with the number 2. Order the little robots to enter and open the door. Climb on the button, jump and cross the empty space, glide on the circular platform and use the portal. Now from the starting area take the road to the right and instead of taking the elevator use the Swingshot to land on the rails, after which you can receive weapon upgrades. Then use the portal again to return to the ship.

- find the knights of the desert
- repair the flying bike
- win the race
- explore the ruined machinery
- fight against members of the indigenous tribe
Enter the cave and follow the path down and up to the bridge. Prepare for the attack of the enemies. Go through the flames to the fence, which will lower when you defeat all the enemies. Inside you will be forced to fight against a group of natives. When you defeat them all, a bridge will be created. Go through it, get your weapons, solve the puzzle with the Electrolyzer and you can finally start racing. In the first race all you have to do is use the boost as much as possible. When you are done, take the elevator down to the starting point. Climb up the grassy slope and use the Swingshot to pull the platforms towards you. Swim in the underwater tunnel to get to the next section. Jump on the moving platforms and use the Swingshot to enter another tunnel with water. Use the Swingshot again and land on the moving platform. Pull the other platform towards you and reach the mainland. Kill the dogs and keep going until you meet a completely frozen dude. Hit the ice block and buy the Thermanator from him, the function of which is to freeze and thaw water. Thaw the water in the room and head to the tunnel. Jump to the ledge with the crates and freeze the water to be able to jump to the other side. Go right and call the elevator, then go left. Go down the elevator and go back to the drop ship.

Here we are at another level of space combat. There are two waves, one of 20 fighters, the other of 25. Use the same strategy as last time, trying to never stay in the center of the screen. If you start getting hit you won't last long. When you are done, move on to the next planet.

- look for the thief
- patrol the seafront
- investigate the jetty area
From the starting point, go left, enter the tunnel and kill the enemies. At this point you can get a skill point by blowing up the globe with the rings (shoot the rings first). Continue to the elevator, kill all the enemies at the window. To the left of the channel of this section, at the bottom, there is a blue and yellow board. Destroy it to get a Platinum bolt. Continue until you reach the top of the area, use the teleporter and return to the starting point. From here go straight over the bridge and at the yellow door turn left. Inside use the Thermanator, when you exit, after eliminating all the enemies, use the Dynamo instead and quickly run to the door above. When you exit this room, go up the elevator to the right, destroy the ship and you will get the coordinates you need. After the cutscene, glide down to the factory. Open the door and enter to solve a couple of puzzles with the Thermanator. Jump down and freeze the water. Slide to the ledge and jump to another propeller. A bridge will be raised to the next section. Thaw the water and jump into the tunnel, where you will find another prop that creates more platforms. To get there you have to freeze the water. Get out of the water and jump to the ledge, freeze the water and jump to the wall. Cross the platforms you created earlier to see a pool of water with a shark in it. Freeze the water and jump to the ledge. Continue to the end of the level.

- find and face the thief
Go ahead killing the enemies. Behind the hut where the door opens at the beginning is a snowman. Destroy it to receive a skill point. When you have cleared all the enemies, look for the ledge with the icicles. Jump the gap to the right and turn around, then grab the platform. Jump to the small cave, where there is a Platinum bolt. Continue and go down with the elevator. Kill all the enemies and return to the wagon.
The thief
As in the other cases, this battle is also quite simple and straightforward. Kill all the enemies on the wagon, then jump onto the next one with the Swingshot. When the thief appears, use your most powerful weapons to hit him. Proceed on the third carriage, climbing on the left side of the third carriage. Proceed to the center circle and shoot the thief. When calling robots to help, use the gravity bomb (if it has been upgraded it can take out all enemies in one hit). When you've defeated the thief, it's time to proceed to the next planet.

10. CAMP
- Meet Mr. Fizzwidget
- get out of the underground tunnels
- find the ship
- bring the crystals back to the mystic
- explore the area
Go down the street and jump on the platforms until you reach a niche. Use the Swingshot to pass the lava and at the highest point of the swing glide down. Here you will meet Angela, who will give you the coordinates for a new planet. After the cutscene, go to the elevator. Go talk to the mystic, who can fix your ship. Cross the black bridge to the desert and here collect ten pink crystals that you need to repair the ship. Bring them to the mystic. When you are done, enter the shed next to the black bridge. Follow the road to the waterhole. Use the Thermanator to reach the ledge on the right, and at the next pool of water stay on the first block to raise everyone else, using the Thermanator in the meantime, so you can reach the ledge. Freeze the falls to create two walls to jump between to reach the top and glide down to find the glider. Press X while on the red arrows to start flying. The glider has the same controls as an airplane: when you press down it goes up and vice versa. If you climb too high, the glider will plummet into the lava. Keep moving forward until you reach a Platinum bolt, then use the teleporter to return to town. When you are done in the desert, it is time to go to Dobbo.

- explore the testing facility
There are two routes from the starting point: you can either go through the portal to the factory, or go out and search the island. Go to the island first. Go to the platform with the four enemies and turn left. Use the Dynamo to cross, destroy the ship and use the Swingshot to cross. Climb the ladder, swingshot across, take out the other ship. Climb the ladder and reach the island. Talk to the mathematician to start the boss fight.
Thug Mech
This battle is quite difficult. You can earn two skill points by destroying all buildings and taking down Thug Mechs using only your fists. The only things you need to pay attention to are small helicopters: if they group together they can cause a lot of damage. So taking them down quickly is a great idea, as you also gain health by doing so. To help you, you can also use electric bombs, to block your enemy for a moment. When you manage to beat him you will get the coordinates for Joba, where the second arena is located, along with the second bike race.
Get into the taxi and head back to the start. This time take the portal that leads into the factory. Take down the flying robots, then avoid the electric beams. Cross the bridge and take the elevator up. Go through the break and use the Dynamo to reach the suspended springboard. Go to the TV. After the cutscene, use the glider to follow the robot. When you get to the other side, use the Electrolyzer to activate the television. Take the teleporter and pay to watch the video with the new coordinates. Return to the starting point. Before meeting up with Fizzwidget, go to Joba's arena.

12. JOBA
- join the Megacorps Games
- buy the Levitator
- win the Infiltrator
- win the race
You can earn a skill point by killing all the natives and their dinosaurs. You can earn another by killing 12 pink birds. Head right instead of entering the tunnel. Use the Swingshot to get to the end, where you can start racing. When you are done with the races, go back to the starting point. Use the Dynamo on the sphere outside the door and run to the tunnel. Use the Dynamo again to open the gate and create a floor. Climb the ladder, step on the platform to open the door and go up the ladder. Kill all enemies in the area. Go back to the starting sphere, climb the platform and get to the top. Climb the ladder, go outside and go down the rope to get down. Buy the Levitator and use it to get to where the taxi is. Finally you arrive at the arena, where if you win eight matches you get the Gravity Boots, very useful for Oozla and Todano. When you are done in the arena, go outside and use the Infiltrator. Go right to return to the drop ship.

- meet Fizzwidget
- deactivate the defenses
Here is another mission set in space. Hit all the enemies until the blue smoke comes out, then hurry to destroy them completely. If you don't do it quickly enough, a robot will come running to fix them and you'll have to start over. If you run into any difficulties, go back to some previous area and make sure you get upgrades for your weapons.

- explore the weapon system
- locate the rocket silo
- explore the inside of the plant
Here you can earn a skill point if you hit all four rockets until they crash. Use the Electrolyzer to drop the elevator, go right through the pillars. Grab the magnetic barrel and place it under the rainbow door so you can get through. In the next room stack the two barrels and lead the security robot to open the door. Take the elevator and get off. Move the barrel along the way to the door, place the barrel next to the right wall and jump to the moving floor. Climb on the button, then use the barrel near the rainbow door and the robot to open the door. When you get to the top, move the big missile on the left to the space on the left, while the smaller rocket will put it in the compartment on the left. Move the big missile to the compartment on the right. In the next room, place the barrel on the conveyor belt and use it as a shield as you go. Push the small missile in the middle, towards the wall, pull the big missile to the right, place the small missile in its compartment on the left and pull the large missile to the left so that you can slip the medium missile into its respective compartment. Then place the largest missile in the compartment on the right. Put the missile on the conveyor belt and climb on it before it starts to move. Grab the Sheepinator (you can earn a skill point if you can turn 16 squirrels into sheep), then jump into the teleporter. Go to the electric gate and use the Infiltrator. Go through the minefield and reach the elevator, go through the door and destroy the boxes. After solving the puzzle, go up the elevator and solve the other puzzle using the Infiltrator. Keep going up with the elevator. At this point, at the end of the level, you can proceed to a new planet.

- find Mr. Fizzwidget
- open the main entrance
- explore Silver City
- run along power lines
Jump into the taxi, take the elevator down and use the Levitator. Go to the other side and take the elevator up. Go up the button on the floor, go right and go up the ladder. Go through the power lines to the end, and if you don't take any damage, you get a skill point. Upgrade your weapons, enter the building and use the teleporter to return to the drop ship. Go up the stairs and use the button on the ground to open the door. Take the ladder to the left, and to the right of the door use the Spiderbot to press the button. Take the flight of stairs to the right and go left. Take the elevator to go up, go left and take another elevator. At the top you can buy a new armor. Walk to the ledge to the right of the taxi. Enter the last door, turn right eliminating all the enemies you encounter. Go up the magnetic path on the other side and go up with the elevator. Get to the top and kill the enemies behind the barrier. Go to the door, then go to the door on the far left to talk to Fizzwidget.

- free Ratchet from the prison cell
- deactivate the force field
- explore the rest of the base
In this area you play with Clank. Wait for the lava to descend before crossing. Free the hammer robot, then use the elevator. Jump to the largest platform in the level, use the robot hammer to hammer the other end. Free the small robots at the top and proceed down the air duct. Take the robots with you to the elevator and open the round door. Use the robot-hammer on the lever, enter the little robots to open the door. Go up the elevator on the left, kill the enemy and let them through to open the door. Climb on the button to regain control of Ratchet, go up on the platforms and on the wall. Jump to the block in the corner and cross the platforms to the other side. Go up the elevator and return to control of Clank. Climb up the shaft and glide over to the square platform. Cross the lava and use the robot bridge to cross the next gap. Use the elevator. Continue until you find a robot-hammer, a robot-bridge and three small robots. Take a quarter of it, then hammer the box to create a bridge. Open the door and regain control of Ratchet. Kick the wall and cross over to the disappearing platforms. Get out and walk to the side of the ship. Enter the door on the other side of the U-shaped path. Use the block to reach the flying platforms. Inside the hangar you will meet up with Clank. Take the central door and go up the ladder. Use the Levitator to reach the other side. Go back to the hangar and go up the ladder to the door. Continue to use the Levitator to reach the end of this section. At the end of the level you get the new coordinates, go up the button to deactivate the force field.

17. GORN
- defeat the enemy fleet
This is another level of spaceships. Focus on the bigger ships and hit them. If you have not yet upgraded the spaceship you may have problems. You have a much better chance if the spaceship is at its peak power.

- save Angela
From the starting point, use the Swingshot to approach the blue sphere. Use the Swingshot to create a track down, from which you will ascend to the magnetic course. Use the Dynamo and climb to the top of the tower. Cross the bridge and get on the diving board. Cross the bridge and follow the road until you get to the boss.
Thug Mech II
This boss is very strong and takes some time to kill. Use the green springboards to reach the turrets on top of the buildings. Keep hitting him until he returns fire. Wait for the bombs to approach before hitting them, as they are difficult to aim at from long range. Hit him from the turret until he can destroy it, then move on to the next turret. You can jump out of the emplacement when a bomb is about to arrive, and re-enter it soon after to start shooting again. When you finally defeat him, you will receive the new coordinates.

- go through the warehouse
- explore the docked ships
Use the trampoline to enter the depot, then the Dynamo to reach the elevator and the Electrolyzer to make it work. Jump on the boxes and follow the floating platforms until you reach a building. Outside you will receive the first part of the Hypnomatic. Retrace the flying platforms to the drop ship and this time jump to the platforms to the left. Use the Swingshot to get to the elevator and once you get to the bottom, use the Levitator to reach the ship, then again to get on the platform and pass onto another ship, then one last time to go up to the roof and pass. to the next section. Use the Levitator to get past the large stacks of crates and reach the next platform. Talk to the guy you meet who gives you the new coordinates for a very high amount.

- save the invaded planet
- bring the components of the Hypnomatic to the hypnotist
- go along the tracks
- explore the moon
- defeat the auxiliary ship
From the starting point, move into the room, go right and go up the rails. If you manage to get to the end without getting hit, you get a skill point. At the end of the path you will get the second component of the Hypnomatic. Go back to the drop ship and take the central door. Kill all the enemies and eventually take the taxi to the bank. Explore the bank until you find a locked door. Kill all the enemies, including the ones above, to open the door. In the next room, kill all the robots to open the other door. Go up with the elevator, freeze the water to be able to cross. Here you will find the hypnotist, who is able to build the Hypnomatic for you if you give him all three parts of it. Since you only have two for now, get in the taxi. Back in the main room, take the third door and use the portal to come face to face with a boss.
The auxiliary ship
This battle can be much more difficult than the previous one if you don't know what to do. Instead of helicopters there are small alien ships, more resistant to your weapons. A good way to take out a group of them is to jump on them (which also prevents you from being hit). The auxiliary ship can only be hit when it is on the ground. You can tell when it is vulnerable based on the presence or absence of the blue shield. When you have done enough damage to it, it will create a shockwave on the planet. At this point, try to stay on the indestructible points and hit it with the missiles, moving to avoid the green lasers. The reward for defeating this boss is the Mapper, a tool that can show you all the secret locations on the map.

- find Angela
- cross the frozen field
- bring the moonstones to the mystic
- exchange the moonstones for a component of the Hypnomatic
- explore the caves
Go down the ramp and go left towards the blue rock blocking the door. You need nine moonstones to open the door. Head out onto the frozen field to retrieve them - the monsters to deal with are pretty tough, so be sure to upgrade all your weapons. After you move the blue rock, you can purchase a Hypnomatic component for 16 more moonstones. For now, use the teleporter to the room you just unlocked. Use the glider to reach the end of this section. Use the Infiltrator to open the door and then step on the floor button to open the other door. Kill all the robots and press another button on the floor to gain access to another teleporter. Use the Infiltrator to be able to reach the outer ice field, where you can retrieve more moonstones. When you get hold of the third part of the Hypnomatic, return to Damosel
The only thing to do in Damosel is to go back to the hypnotist and have the Hypnomatic build there. To exit the area then use this new tool and get into the taxi. Use the Hypnomatic on the other side of the gate. Go up the hill and press the button on the ground. Take the taxi and go back to your ship. Next destination: Grelbin.
Now that you have the Hypnomatic, you can explore the factory. Use it on the robots on the other side of the gap - have one of these robots climb onto the button on the ground to bring up some flying platforms that you can cross over. Use the Hypnomatic again to bring the robot to the button and flood the room so you can swim across it and reach the teleporter and return to the surface. Go right towards Angela's house to get the last set of coordinates.

- break into the Megacorps headquarters
At the platform where you can purchase upgrades, use the Hypnomatic on the robots to open the various doors and reach the button on the floor that activates the targets for the Swingshot. Go through the factory until you open the last door on the right. When all the enemies are dead, jump on the button. Go back and enter the teleporter you just activated. This section of the level is very difficult, make sure you have all the upgrades for your most powerful weapons. In the room that looks like a nuclear power plant, pass the guards without killing them so as not to waste ammo, use the Dynamo to cross and in the next room kill everyone to have freedom in using the Infiltrator to open the door. Jump on the platforms, use the Electrolyzer on the wall. Continue down the bridge with the Swingshot and advance to start a cutscene.
The mutant
For the duration of the fight, simply keep shooting. After a while it should fall off, without further complications.

Solution summary

10. CAMP
12. JOBA
17. GORN

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