The complete solution of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Please note:

The solution is based on the American version of the game, so there may be differences for the Spanish version.


Exit the room and kill the zombies in the corridor. Go ahead, turn right and enter the door in front of you. It is the dark room where the photos are developed. Collect the File behind the typewriter, the tapes, the gunpowder from the locker and leave some inventory items. Save and exit. Enter the door you jumped, kill the zombies or dogs around the corner and continue down the hall.
Enter the conference room where you will find ribbons on the table in the left corner and the S.TA.RS card in the center of the room on the table. You can use the Hall computer. Write down the code which should be one of these (0131, 0513, 4011, 4312) and retrieve the object in the other drawer.
Go up the stairs. Kill the zombies and enter the last door. Enter the STARS office and you will find a lockpick for opening doors, ammo for the pistol, in the fax File # 7, the medical spray hanging on the wall and a Grenade Launcher in the locker (ammo is obtained by mixing powder C with the reloader; by mixing powder A or B or C with standard grenades you will get the explosive or acid or freezing grenades).
Get out! You will find 2 red herbs at the end of the corridor. You have to go down to go back to the Hall, but Nemesis will surprise you again! If you want to save the position to avoid trouble, immediately run into the dark room, otherwise run to the last door and return to the hall. Save if you haven't and get out!

To continue you have to open the door in the alley on the right using the lock pick. Go ahead, search the corpse and you will find some ammo and a File. Turn left. Continue and you will find 2 blue herbs, enter the gate, shoot the 3 dogs waiting for you and continue. On the left, take the gunpowder B from the corpse and enter the door behind you. In the workshop, kill the 2 dogs and take the electric cable from the first car in front of you, continue and enter the umpteenth rescue room. Get the ammo, the tapes, arrange the inventory and save.
Go out and kill 3 other dogs or avoid them. Go ahead and enter the door on the right. Grab the map from the wall on the left. Get ready to shoot 2 big targets! Advance to get a better view. Two creatures will emerge from around the corner; kill them or escape to the door on the left if you have the opportunity (however, you will have to kill them later).


Turn right and continue. There is a tub and some green herbs, but I advise you not to take them for now. Instead, continue along the road avoiding the zombies and enter the restaurant.
You will find a File on the table to the left and gunpowder A. Enter the kitchen, and use the lockpick to open the cabinet on the other side. Take the hook and use it on the floor hatch. You will see a movie.
Other possible choice; better hide in the kitchen! You can thus steal the first part of the Eagle 6.0 pistol from Nemesis. Exit the back, and after talking to Carlos quickly run down the alley on the right and enter the door on the right. Another Save Room: Get the ammo, ribbons and rusty crank. Arrange inventory and save. Continue to the right, after the door again to the right and enter the Raccoon Press office.

On the desk you will find a medical spray and on the phone on the left another File. Push the ladder to the soda machine (just walk in front of it), climb up and flip the switch at the top. Go down and open the grate with the switch on the right.
Go up the stairs, go through the door and enter the office. Kill the zombies and get the green gem, 2 gunpowder containers A, a photo and an article in the office. You better go back to the save room before continuing, but watch out for Nemesis! Take the two gems and use them on the clock in front of the town hall.

Continue along the driveway and take the left path, then shoot the zombies. You will find gunpowder B in the police car in the corner. Go through the gate, continue and you will find 2 green herbs that you can also collect afterwards. Kill the two dogs, grab gunpowder B from the corpse in the corner, climb over the barricade and kill another dog. Enter the cable car using the last door and take the File. For the repair you need 3 items: the electric cable, a fuse and a tank with a mixture of oil and petrol.
After the conversation with the members of the Umbrella, continue along the convoy and exit through the front door. Collect the wrench above the seat. Go back being careful of dogs and zombies, open the gate this time in the right passage. Continue until you get to the petrol station. Take the 2 red herbs, open the shutter using the crank and continue the work with the wrench. Go inside and take the 3 gunpowder containers A above the table and combine all three together if you have space problems.
Go behind the counter and solve the puzzle. The push-button combination must be unlocked by making sure that all the buttons light up at the same time and then lighting only one letter at a time. After a few attempts you will be able to do it! Grab the petrol can and medical spray from the next shelf. Go out and enjoy a good blast!

Now go out of the town hall, but be careful because zombies will pop up. Eliminate them all and enter the door on the left, get the 3 green herbs and the book from the statue of the mayor. Now go back to the tub in front of the restaurant by going through the save room first. Take the 3 green herbs and place the book in the appropriate slot. Collect the bronze compass and take it to the mayor statue, who will give you a battery in exchange.
You will need to use it to operate the elevator located in the passage on the right where you killed the two creatures before reaching the restaurant.

The complete solution of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis


Use the elevator and take a few steps forward, shoot the zombies and enter the power plant using the last door. Take the 2 red plants and enter. Turn on the main switch, the one on the left, and you can use the control panel. To open the first door you have to set the current between 15V and 25V, while for the second one between 115V and 125V. The sequences are Red, Red, Red, Blue and Red, Blue, Blue, Blue.
Enter the first room and take the fuse. Beware of Nemesis; choose to increase the voltage of the control panel! Enter the second room and grab a new weapon, the Magnum, from the locker. Now go back to Raccoon City via the workshop, save and take the wrench with you. Kill the zombies you encounter and retrieve the grenades from the open door of the police car.
Continue where you found the 3 blue plants; at the end of this alley you will find a hose for the hydrant. Detach it from the wall using the wrench, then release it because it is no longer needed! Enter the door on the left and prepare to kill two creatures around the corner; shoot the barrel first. Go out the door and kill the zombies. Take the front door and kill the dogs.

Now you have to put out the fire using the hose in the attachment on the left wall. Place inventory in the save room but don't save yet.
There are 3 blue herbs beyond the first door of the new area. Pick them up and go back to setting up the inventory. Save, go back to where you got the 3 blue herbs and get ready to kill two more creatures beyond the door. You will see a crank but don't get distracted: fire to the left where the first creature is. Continue; the other is hidden around the corner, be careful! Retrieve the crank and enter the door on the right to find yourself in the Umbrella sales office.
You will see a movie. Grab the medical spray, the tapes, the 2 files and use the remote control on the desk. The commercial for a new product will start (Adravil, Aquacure or Safsprin): use the product name as a password for the computer and you will unlock the door. I advise you to wait before entering!


You should go back to the square before Jack's Bar, where there is a grate that you can open with the crank. Inside you'll find 18 standard grenades. Now go back to the warehouse where you started the adventure, going to the alley on the right. Watch out for the zombies and move on.
In the warehouse you have to kill three zombies in the lower floor and one in the upper one (the one that pretends to be dead, kill him by shooting down). You don't want to go upstairs if you don't need to save or fix inventory. Save only if you can't help it, eventually you will save the game once you get back to where you put out the fire. Enter the container and you will find a File and Gunpowder A and B. Exit and return to the sales office by the same route as before and saving the location.

Enter the door you unlocked and rummage through the shelves. You will find 3 gunpowder A and 3 of that B in addition to the bottle of oil to combine with gasoline. Be careful! Upon returning, the zombies will attack you, shoot the steam pipe to go first. Get out and shoot again! Before leaving, be careful, because another zombie is waiting for you in the hall; you can avoid it by running straight to the door.
Now go back: you must have the fuse and the petrol can that you will combine with the oil bottle. Attention! Nemesis will attack you near the save room; if you are fast enough you will be able to run to avoid it and take refuge in the room. If you succeed, save, otherwise enter the gate. Keep running to reach the garage: Nemesis will no longer follow you. A chasm will open in the garage: choose to climb.
Make your way to the save room, but I don't recommend saving for now. Get out there, take out the zombies and get the grenades from the police car if you haven't done so before! Continue to the other save room. Clean up your inventory - you must have the fuse, the oil / gas mixture, and the electrical wire. Save!

Go on, don't mind the dogs and enter the town hall. At some point you will meet Nemesis again: avoid it and run left towards the cable car. You will fall into another chasm; don't waste ammunition, you have to be fast. You have to activate the two switches in the corners that are not seen, the very ones where the creature is! You have to run diagonally by pressing ENTER repeatedly while attached to the wall.
You will be asked a question: do you want to activate them? Press ENTER to always confirm by promptly running out of the monster's jaws. Do the same with the second switch. Go down the ladder using the other button (the only one visible) doing the same operation, but once activated quickly press ENTER to go up, before it's too late. Maybe it will take some trying and take some healing.
Finally arrived at the cable car, insert the fuse, the mixture and the electric cable. Carlos will give you some grenades, then go to the other car. Watch the cutscene and return to the other car. Bad surprise, again Nemesis; after the sequence try to go back. Choose to throw yourself out the window, there is not much difference!
If you choose the second solution you will find yourself in the garden of the clock tower instead of in the main entrance: you will be attacked by crows and you will have to go the opposite way.

Enter the building and shoot the zombies. Take the key behind the crooked picture on the right. Enter the save room, save and leave space in the inventory. Enter the next room, grab the grenades, the File from the coffee table and the ribbons. Enter the hall: take the File from the mercenary's body and the Mine Launcher, the medical spray from the desk and the map. Take a look at the two music boxes in the corners of the room.
You will find the letters GSGGSG and SGSSGS, useful later. Enter the door after the one you entered and you will find yourself in the garden. Take down the crows, go up the driveway to find 2 blue herbs and 3 green herbs. Enter the left door: you will be in the piano room. Enter the room on the left, where you can save and where you will find the golden key and lots of gunpowder A and B. Exit, shoot the zombies, enter the other room where you will find zombies or spiders and 6 grenades or mines above the fireplace. Go back to the hall and go up the stairs.
Shoot the spiders, three in all, and exit to the outside balcony. Collect the 2 red herbs in the corner, then check the crevice in the center. Use the key and go up the ladder; Take the gear, the gunpowder and the mines or grenades from the top of the cabinet. On the left is another music box. Use the indication found earlier (Up, Down, Up, Up, Down, Up) to play the melody. Take the key to combine with the one you already have: you will get the Chronos key.

The complete solution of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis


After an explosion take control of Jill and run forward, kill the first zombie and climb the crates in front of you. Get off. Go to the opposite side of the warehouse and you will find medical spray on top of the boxes and gun bullets behind you. Go up the stairs and enter the office.
In the room you will find the key to exit the warehouse hanging on the right, two gunpowder containers A in the locker (powder A is used to obtain the ammunition for the pistol, that B to obtain those of the Shotgun; combining them together you will obtain the powder from I shoot C) and 3 tapes to save the game in front of the typewriter. Combine the gunpowder with the magazine and you will get ammo.
The chest on the left is your additional inventory where you can store items you don't need right away. Inside you will also find a knife, which however is practically useless. In the inventory, examine the game instructions A and B thus freeing 2 slots. Now save your game and leave the warehouse leaving the key, now useless.


Go through the door of the alley, go immediately left and enter the door on the right. Continue, go up the stairs, approach the door on the right and get ready to shoot. Brad will run out the door chased by 5 zombies who will immediately dedicate themselves to you. Go down to the basement and collect the gasoline for the lighter.
Examine the corpse and get the Shotgun. Exit and take the alley where the man escaped. Collect the 2 green herbs and continue through the door. Kill the 3 zombies in front of you and continue killing other zombies. A little further on, on the left, there are 2 crates: go up and collect the map on the wall, go up the stairs and you will find 2 green herbs. Combine the green herbs with each other. Continue and enter the last door on the right.

Advance and go down the stairs to the right, kill more zombies, advance until you get to the door on the left. Enter Jack's Bar. Don't shoot, you don't need to. You'll find a photo on the counter, some bullets and a lighter next to the payphone. Combine the lighter with the petrol in the inventory and go out the door you entered. Return to the fork, continue right and immediately left to the door.
The zombies are trampling behind a barricade: when they break through the protection, back away and shoot the red barrel to blow them up. Kill the survivors and search the area where they were locked up. Collect the 2 red herbs and combine them with the green ones if you don't have space. Also collect a photo from the policeman's corpse, it's File # 4. Approach the gate. Use the lighter and move on. Two dogs will attack you: kill them and enter the left door, take the 2 gunpowder containers A and B, 3 tapes from the typewriter and save.

Exit and go left. Enter and go to the other door. You will meet Nemesis intent on throwing you the party! You have two options: face it or avoid it. If you face him, you can hardly knock him out, at least without using all the ammunition. You can choose to face him and, after dodging him for the first time, rummage to retrieve the STARS card from Brad's corpse. But even this hypothesis is difficult to implement! I advise you to give it to you in a hurry. You'll save energy and ammo, but you'll have to take a longer ride to retrieve the tile.
Now you will find yourself in the Hall. There are 3 green herbs to the right, pistol ammo on the counter, the station map on the desk and the typewriter to save the location. You will need the computer to get the code that opens a drawer in the evidence room, but you need the aforementioned card.
Enter the only accessible room, the zombies are waiting impatiently for you. Kill them or avoid them by going around the desks and enter the office with the door open. Collect the File from Marvin's body and the shotgun ammo on the desk. Quickly exit and enter the other room, the rehearsal room. Open the drawer on the left, the one with the red light, and take the item. There is another drawer on the other side but you need the code to be able to open it.


Save and drop. You now have two choices: use the electric wire to stun Nemesis, blind him with the light and knock him down. If you choose the first you can recover the second part of the Eagle 6.0 pistol, but Nemesis will chase you to the end of the world. If you choose the latter you will have to take the same path but more calmly! Go back to the hall, enter the door on the left, kill the zombies or spiders and enter the door on the left using the Chronos key.
Kill the three creatures and enter the door; take the File from the mercenary's body. Take the precious stones from the hands of the three statues and place them where there are the three paintings with the clocks. The aim is to be able to adjust the one in the center at the same time as the others. Grab the gold gear and combine it with the silver gear to get the Chronos gear. Go to the back of the room and get the ammo.
Try to push the bell but you will not succeed! Go back to the top of the tower and use the gear to activate the clock mechanism. Set up your inventory for an epic fight with Nemesis (I recommend the Grenade Launcher with at least 20 shots, the Magnum, the Mine Launcher and lots of healing). Save and go down the ladder.
After the cutscene you will have to fight: first try to avoid the shots of Bazooka and then shoot with everything you have, healing yourself every three or four attacks of Nemesis. You will have to try and try again several times before winning!

Take control of Carlos, save and exit. Don't waste ammo on zombies. Run to the door and enter. Avoid the zombies or shoot if you can't help it! Head to the room where you solved the puzzle of the three clocks and shoot everything that moves! Move the bell and exit.
Try to avoid the zombies without shooting. Run left and enter the hospital. Keep to the right and you will be immediately attacked by 2 creatures; go to the area where they came out and get the 2 red herbs. Enter the door, get the tapes and medical spray. Save and enter the other room where you will find: a blue grass plant, gun ammo, hospital map on the wall and a tape recorder.
Unlock the elevator with the tape recorder: first go to floor S3.
Outside, zombies are waiting for you! Use the pistol to save shots. Enter the room down the hall, kill the creatures with the gun and head to the other door. Go left and grab the vaccine base from the shelf and a little further a file from the desk. Operate the switch; use the machine using the vaccine base.
You have to bring the two indicators to the same level: move the first and third lever and lever A. Take the vaccine, heal yourself and equip yourself with the automatic rifle.
You will be attacked by the two creatures; if you can, you can avoid them by entering the door. Go back to the elevator and shoot everything in your path. Go to the third floor: go out and enter the door on the right. You will see a movie; go behind the shelves and take the File and the key: you will also find some other ammo. Exit and enter the first room on the right: shoot the lizards or zombies, paying attention to the ammunition.
Check the doctor's corpse and memorize the code (which can be 104, 253, 325, 531). Take the 2 green herbs and check which corner of the room the drawers are.

The complete solution of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis


Exit and enter the other room; place the drawers in the opposite corner from the other room. You will have access to the safe, which you will open with the code; take the vaccine and combine it with the vaccine base you recovered earlier. Enter the elevator and select PT.
Watch out for the creatures waiting for you right outside! Save and run out of the hospital: you will find yourself near the door. Enter and you will find some zombies that are having dinner. You can also avoid them! While trying to get to Jill you will be attacked by Nemesis: dodge it and continue. Save and give Jill the vaccine.

Take the lockpick from your inventory. Avoid Nemesis and exit the clock tower through the door leading to the hospital. The first door you see is a save room: go inside and get the ribbons, the key to the park, 6 grenades or mines from the table and 6 from the locker, the File. Fix inventory, save and exit. Kill the zombies and go left; use the key to open the park door.
Go down the stairs to the right, kill the creatures or zombies and keep going. After the gate you will have to shoot again. Go ahead and recover a File, a key and ammunition for the Magnum from the corpses. Go back, go up the stairs and go to the gate on the opposite side. Take the healing plants. Operate the mechanism of the fountain, placing the black discs above, to the right, and the silver ones below. Go down into the fountain, go down the trap door, go straight and go up to the right. Kill the creatures or avoid them; go up the ladder and you will find yourself in the cemetery.

Watch out for zombies that come out of the ground! Enter the cemetery and turn left: you will find 2 red herbs. Go ahead and enter the door. Take the iron pipe and the gunpowder A and B on the table; go to the other room to fix the inventory, grab the medical spray and save.
Go back to the first room, light the fire with the lighter (leave it because it is no longer needed) and use the iron pipe. In the new room you will find: 2 Rows, some grenades, a key and some ribbons in the flak jacket hanging on the wall. Exit the room, arm yourself and take all the healing you have, as well as the key you found. Save and exit; outside you will be attacked again by the giant monster. You have to use grenades and mines.
Heal yourself every two attacks and try to stay where the water is. After defeating him, go up the grate to exit. Go all the way back until you get to the gate where you got the bullets for the Magnum from the mercenary's body. If you want to save the game or are injured, you have to go back to the room outside the park. Be careful, because there are zombies everywhere!
Use the key and enter, go up the stairs and walk along the bridge to reach the factory.
Nemesis doesn't give up, and you still have two choices: push it down or jump you. This choice influences the final cutscenes and the unfolding of the story: I therefore recommend that you play them both!
If you choose the first option you will enter the factory from the main entrance, if you choose the second option you will enter from the external drain. Immediately to the right is the video room and you must therefore do the reverse.


Kill Nemesis and enter the factory. Go all the way down the hall and enter the room on the left killing the creatures in your path. You will meet Carlos. In this save room you will find: a File, 1 medical spray, the magnetic key, gunpowder and ribbons.
Enter the room after the save room. There are jets of steam preventing you from reaching the console. Go right and press the button, now press the last one and then the next to last, then go back. Go to the other side and press the last and second last. Go back and do the same thing. Turn on the generator and activate it.
Go back and get the 2 blue herbs. Go back to the save room, arrange the inventory leaving some space and save. Go back into the corridor and take the first door on the left. Kill the zombies, take the system disk on the table, the map from the wall and the 3 green herbs; now enter the elevator.
Outside there will be three creatures waiting for you: kill them and take the ammo for the Shotgun from the cart. Go down the stairs and open the door: stay back as much as possible because you will have visitors. Shoot down to kill the creatures. Drop into the water and go to the next room.

You will find ribbons, a File and a water sample. Go out the other door and go down the stairs. Take the items on the table and the medical spray. Insert the water sample into the machine against the wall. Solve the riddle by positioning the three waves in order to recreate the graph of the first in the fourth row, corresponding to the water sample. Pay attention to lines and half lines. Move left and right until the pieces fit together.
You have unlocked the second guard on the upstairs door.
Before getting on, use the magnetic key on the machine on the right and you will get the card key. Go back, save and watch out for the new creatures. Enter the elevator; kill the zombies upstairs and return to the save room. Arrange your inventory keeping only the system disk, weapons and healing. You will need them for the fight with Nemesis.

The complete solution of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis


Enter the room you unlocked and advance. After the movie you have to insert the system disk in the special slot where there is the red light. There is Nemesis waiting for you! I recommend using the explosive and acid grenades and the Mine Launcher. When Nemesis kneels, keep raging until you see a cutscene.
Collect the key card in the center of the room and use it on the console to exit (you have about a minute to do so). Go out and kill the zombies. Go to the steam room (grab the card key first if you don't have it). First use the key card to activate the elevator, go down and collect the 12 grenades, go to the locker and use the key card to open it.
You will find a Rocket Launcher, go up and save. Leave space in your inventory and go out. Enter the door closed by the grate: use the magnetic card to open it. Kill the three zombies and move on. Get the 2 green herbs and enter the next room.

Here the movies can be three. You still need to grab the handheld radar, med spray and Magnum ammo in the closet to the right as you enter. You can, depending on what you did on the bridge, talk to Carlos on the radio (first ending) or meet Nicholai again.
If you meet Nicholai you can negotiate or open fire. If you fire to shoot down his helicopter, one shot with the Rocket Launcher or six shots from the Magnum is all it takes. After, you can either leave the room and re-enter or go down the ladder (second and third final respectively). The countdown is activated. Go down and arrange the inventory. After killing the second zombie on the ground (pretending to be dead) and the one in front of you, take the photo from the ground and the Shotgun ammo on the shelf (twice). Exit, take another photo from the ground and continue.
Enter the door - this is the final confrontation room. Go around and activate the computer panel, then push the three batteries into their seats in order.
I recommend that you stay in front of the computer in the corner. Fire first with the Missile Launcher, then with the Grenade Launcher; heal every two Nemesis attacks. After the first cannon shot, run to the opposite corner, but stay out of the way of the next shot. Nemesis will follow you and will be split in two. Exit the door: choose whether to finish it or escape (there is not much difference). Enter and operate the elevator: you will finally be safe!

Video of the solution - First part

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